Now that you may be qualified for the ERC program, allow the us to do all the work for you!
Before signing the form at the bottom to be a part of Recovery Startup, please go through the following agreement.
This letter confirms our understanding of the terms and objectives of our engagement and the nature and limitations of the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) services as it pertains the Recovery Startup we will provide. Please read this letter carefully as it is important to both Relentless Accountability, LLC and Legal Company Name (Company) that you understand and accept the terms under which we have agreed to perform our services, as well as management’s responsibilities under this agreement.
Employee Retention Credit Services
We will prepare the calculation of Employee Retention Credits for all available quarters 3 and 4 of 2021. We will prepare and submit the amended payroll tax returns (941x).
You are confirming that you will furnish us with all the information required for preparing the calculation and related amended 941s. This includes, but is not limited to, providing us with the information to:
Identify all businesses under common control
Annual revenue for 2020 and 2021
941 for quarters 3 & 4, 2021
State unemployment returns for quarters 3 & 4, 2021
We will not audit or verify the data you submit, although we may ask you to clarify it or furnish us with additional data. You should retain all the documents, books, and records that form the basis of your income and deductions. The documents may be necessary to prove the accuracy and completeness of the returns to a taxing authority. If you have any questions as to the type of records required, please ask us for advice in that regard.
You agree to provide us with complete and accurate information regarding any transactions in, or transactions that have been used.
We will use our professional judgment in preparing your returns. Given the magnitude of the economic tax relief provisions the U.S. stimulus packages have contained, as well as some new concepts introduced in the law, additional stated guidance from the Internal Revenue Service, and possibly from Congress in the form of technical corrections on certain income tax provisions may be forthcoming. We will use our professional judgment and expertise to assist you given the guidance as currently promulgated at the time our services are rendered. Subsequent developments issued by the applicable tax authorities may affect the information we have previously provided, and these effects may be material. Whenever we are aware that a possibly applicable tax law is unclear or that there are conflicting interpretations of the law by authorities (e.g., tax agencies and courts), we will share our knowledge and understanding of the possible positions that maybe taken on your return. We will follow whatever position you request, as long as it is consistent with the codes, regulations, and interpretations that have been promulgated.
If a taxing authority should later contest the position taken, there may be an assessment of additional tax, interest, and penalties. Our liability in connection with any potential interest, penalties, repayments, or other related costs shall be limited to the amount of the fee you pay for your services.
Our work in connection with the preparation of your ERC return does not include any procedures designed to discover fraud, defalcations, or other irregularities, should any exist. We will render such accounting and bookkeeping assistance as we find necessary for preparing the Employee Retention Credit return. By your signature below, you understand and agree that management is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the records, documents, explanations, and other information provided to us for purposes of this engagement. You have the final responsibility for the Employee Retention Credit information reported on the amended 941 and, therefore, you should review them carefully before the amended return is submitted. You agree that our firm is not responsible for a taxing authority’s disallowance of ERCs or inadequately supported documentation, nor for resulting taxes, penalties, and interest.
Our fees will be computed based on 20% of proceeds received from Employee Retention Credits. Our fees are due after you have received the benefit of any or all employee retention credits. Such fees are due within 5 business days of your receipt.
Because of the importance of oral and written management representations to the effective performance of our services, Legal Company Name (Company) and indemnifies our firm and its personnel from any and all claims, liabilities, costs and expenses attributable to any misrepresentation by management and its representatives. In connection with this engagement, we may communicate with you or others via email transmission. We take reasonable measures to secure your confidential information in our email transmissions. However, as emails can be intercepted and read, disclosed, or otherwise used or communicated by an unintended third party, or may not be delivered to each of the parties to whom they are directed and only to such parties, we cannot guarantee or warrant that emails from us will be properly delivered to and read only by the addressee. Therefore, we specifically disclaim and waive any liability or responsibility whatsoever for interception or unintentional disclosure or communication of email transmissions, or for the unauthorized use or failed delivery of emails transmitted by us in connection with the performance of this engagement. In that regard, you agree that we shall have no liability for any loss or damage to any person or entity resulting from the use of email transmissions, including any consequential, incidental, direct, indirect, or special damages, such as loss of sales or anticipated profits, or disclosure of communication or confidential or proprietary information.
We may from time to time and depending on the circumstances and nature of the services we are providing, share your confidential information with third-party service providers, some of whom may be cloud-based, but we remain committed to maintaining the confidentiality and security of your information. Accordingly, We maintain internal policies, procedures, and safeguards to protect the confidentiality of your personal information. In addition, we will secure confidentiality terms with all service providers to maintain the confidentiality of your information and will take reasonable precautions to determine that they have appropriate procedures in place to prevent the unauthorized release of your confidential information to others. In the event that we are unable to secure appropriate confidentiality terms with a third-party service provider, you will be asked to provide your consent prior to the sharing of your confidential information with the third-party service provider. Although we will use our best efforts to make the sharing of your information with such third parties secure from unauthorized access, no completely secure system for electronic data transfer exists. As such, by your signature below, you understand that the firm makes no warranty, expressed or implied, on the security of electronic data transfers.
Relentless Accountability, LLC does not keep any original client records, so we will return those to you at the completion of the services rendered under this engagement. It is your responsibility to retain and protect your records (which includes any work product we provide to you as well as any records that we return) for possible future use, including potential examination by any government or regulatory agencies. Relentless Accountability, LLC does not accept responsibility for hosting client information; therefore, you have the sole responsibility for ensuring you retain and maintain in your possession all your financial and non-financial information, data, and records.
If any dispute arises among the parties hereto, the parties agree to first try in good faith to settle the dispute by mediation administered by the American Arbitration Association under its applicable rules for resolving professional accounting and related services disputes before resorting to litigation. The costs of any mediation proceeding shall be shared equally by all parties.
Client and accountant both agree that any dispute over fees charged by the accountant to the client will be submitted for resolution by arbitration in accordance with the applicable rules for resolving professional accounting and related services disputes of the American Arbitration Association, except that under all circumstances the arbitrator must follow the laws of Arizona.
Such arbitration shall be binding and final. IN AGREEING TO ARBITRATION, WE BOTH ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IN THE EVENT OF A DISPUTE OVER FEES CHARGED BY THE ACCOUNTANT, EACH OF US IS GIVING UP THE RIGHT TO HAVE THE DISPUTE DECIDED IN A COURT OF LAW BEFORE A JUDGE OR JURY AND, INSTEAD, WE ARE ACCEPTING THE USE OF ARBITRATION FOR RESOLUTION. The prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs incurred in connection with the arbitration of the dispute in an amount to be determined by the arbitrator.
We will be pleased to discuss this letter with you at your convenience. If the foregoing is acceptable to you, please sign the original copy of this letter in the space provided.
Please note that you are affirming to Relentless Accountability, LLC your understanding of, and agreement to, the terms and conditions of this engagement letter by any one of the following actions: returning your signed engagement letter to our firm or providing supporting information to us for use in the preparation of your amended 941.
500 Terry Francois St. San Francisco, CA 94158
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